Beale Air Force Base Landfill
Landfill Groundwater, Surface Water, Soil Gas, and Vent Sampling & Analysis
Project Description
H&A provided landfill planning and monitoring services for two municipal landfill sites at Beale AFB. The work included preliminary grading and closure plans, an appropriate monitoring well network for each landfill, preparation of sampling plans and quality assurance plans, sampling of 12 groundwater monitoring wells, 14 soil gas monitoring probes, and 68 landfill gas vents in accordance with a monitoring and reporting program order issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and development of constituents of concern and a water quality protection standard.
The landfill gas compliance monitoring programs included sampling 14 soil gas monitoring probes, and 68 landfill gas vents for percent methane and carbon dioxide, as well as volatile organic compound emissions. H&A staff also developed and implemented a detection monitoring program in accordance with Title 23, Chapter 15, Article 5 of the California Code of Regulations. The work used tolerance levels calculated from student t-test distribution. Through these services, Beale AFB was able to remain in full compliance with regulatory requirements.